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Dental Negligence

What is dental negligence?

If you have undergone dental work that you are unhappy with, and believe that you may have suffered unnecessarily, then you may have suffered from dental negligence.

There can be no liability in negligence unless a claimant establishes that he or she was both owed a duty of care by the dentist and that there has been a breach of that duty.

In simple terms, a dentist would be negligent if they provided you with treatment that fell below the minimum standard of care or skill. The dentist is judged by the standard of the average competent dentist. You will need to show that the dentist did not exercise the professional standard set by the British Dental Association and/or the Dental Practice Board.

Having established that a breach of duty has occurred, i.e. the dentist has acted in a way which was substandard, a claimant must prove that the breach of duty caused ‘damage’.

What to do if you think you are a victim of dental negligence?

The simple answer is to contact us. One of our specialists will contact you and explain how we proceed.

Establishing that a breach of the duty of care owed by a dental professional has taken place requires medical and legal expertise. To establish if you have a claim contact us today.